February 2014

  • energy-operators-tariff
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    The regulated tariff charged by the electric energy market operator

The regulated tariff charged by the electric energy market operator

Saturday, 8 February, 2014|

The regulated tariff charged by the electric energy market operator approved through the Decree no 7/2014 is comprised in the following table:

  • wood-price
    Permalink Gallery

    The average price of cubic meter of wood mass per foot was established

The average price of cubic meter of wood mass per foot was established

Saturday, 8 February, 2014|

  • energy-tarifs
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    The contributions of the economic agents operating in the energy domain

The contributions of the economic agents operating in the energy domain

Friday, 7 February, 2014|

  • inland-transportation
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    Public transport of passengers and/or goods by inland waterways

Public transport of passengers and/or goods by inland waterways

Thursday, 6 February, 2014|

According to this normative act, the transport of passengers and/or goods could carried out if the economic operators have been previously authorized to perform the activities mentioned by the […]

The Reference Rate of NBR (Circular no 7/2014)

Thursday, 6 February, 2014|

  • co-debtors
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    The co-debtor solidary tax liability before the Finances Authorities

The co-debtor solidary tax liability before the Finances Authorities

Wednesday, 5 February, 2014|

Thus, based on the solidary liability established by the art. 27 and art. 28 of the Tax Procedure Code, the Finances Authorities with legal competences in the enforcement of […]

The penal fines applicable to the legal persons

Monday, 3 February, 2014|

The amount corresponding to a day-fine shall be determined by taking into consideration the turnover for the profit legal entities, respectively the value of their assets for the other […]